We Create AR Apps and Games

We are ranked among the top augmented reality companies in USA and India, expert, proven augmented reality team. Our app development service is where the magic happens. AR is improving productivity, increasing efficiency, helping people, and engaging audiences. At Backon Delve, we are creating augmented reality apps across various discipline giving businesses ways to interact with their audience regardless of industries as diverse as entertainment, manufacturing, academia, healthcare and more.

What Does Augmented Reality ?

What we see around us is the world in its natural form, and the Augmented Reality is exactly the opposite of the same. It is a mixture of the digital and real world that gives inception to a new world. The ARKit takes apps beyond the screen.

What Augmented Reality does is that it adds certain advancements like the picture, sound, motion along with the GPS data to components and makes the available view more alluring as well as informative. In fact, ARKit uses Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) to accurately track the world around it, and VIO fuses camera sensor data with CoreMotion data. And ARKit runs on the Apple A9, A10, and A11 processors.

In simple words, it offers an ability to a changed view of reality by augmenting the components present in the environment. So, by developing Augmented Reality apps, businesses can take its customers in the middle of a digitally manipulative and interactive surrounding which can be overlaid into the real world.

How Augmented Reality Can Enhance The User Experience of Your Mobile App?

By developing augmented reality apps, you can reinvent your brand and establish an interactive relationship with your customers by offering them a richer user experience.

We, at Backon Delve, blend research, creativity, and innovation to churn out the most persuasive Augmented Reality Apps with an absolute attention to detail. We can create immersive experiences by overlaying digital information on your products and let your customers interact with that information in real-time.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop Augmented Reality Apps?

When you are searching augmented reality apps development cost, it depends on many factors, including your goals and expectations. There are cheap and even free solutions available to implement the functionality of Augmented Reality, but those solutions fit only in initial testing or gaining skills. In fact, with free solutions, you won’t be able to build a custom unique product.

However, if you want a one-of-a-kind user experience, increase your brand awareness, and improve customer loyalty, you should better turn to custom augmented reality apps development with a top mobile app development company. The results will just outcome your expectations.

Which Industries Can Leverage The Benefits of AR


With AR apps development, it’s possible to make Education more enjoyable for children. While children have always learned from blackboard, paper, and videos, now with the help of new AR apps, they can almost engage with the subject.


Gaming is meant to be an immersive entertainment experience. In the past recent years, particularly after Pokemon GO, gaming has become mainstream. And it’s still gaining momentum. In fact, combining AR in mobile game development can be useful for putting first-person views in better perspective.

Medicine and Healthcare

The healthcare industry is benefiting greatly from building Augmented Reality Apps. From assisting in finding the veins to viewing the symptoms through a patient’s eyes, AR apps are making the process a lot easier.

Real Estate

Whether it’s an app for iPhone or iPad, Augmented Reality Technology provides real estate professionals as well as businesses the ability to showcase properties, apartments, and buildings from 3D perspective, which used to do on flat print materials in the past.


The use of Augmented Reality within the Automotive industry is no longer just restricted to advertising. In fact, the automotive industry has adopted the Augmented Reality technology for a wide variety of purposes like creating digital showrooms to showcase different model variants.

Retail and Manufacturing

In retail and manufacturing, Augmented reality can be used in many ways that help businesses move customers through the purchase funnel. Think of it like this: it’s a lot easier to spend money on an expensive dress when you know it’s going to look good on you.


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